Programs: Students: Unity Days

Our program asks schools to identify 100 students and 10 staff who are willing to work on the very sensitive issues of bullying, racism, sexism, alcohol and drug use, and mental health concerns. Each school we work with will select a diverse group of students from different groups within the school to break down the walls of stereotypes and label, and create a unified community. We ask administration to select staff and students who want to address the “real†problems students face in a supportive year long process. Unity Day is much more than a one day commitment. Staff and students must commit to ongoing support group meetings to implement the plans created at Unity Day.
The greatest problems in our schools today are staff and students who are disconnected, lonely, and isolated. Throughout our Unity Day program we build connection, pro school bonding and genuine caring. We find that we are much more alike than we are different. We also come to a place where we respect and celebrate our differences. Throughout the day students and staff work in large and small group settings to teach each other and address the deepest concerns in their school. We learn we are not alone. We create a unified community.
Spring Ford Spotlight
Resiliency Day March 2014

Thanks for helping me reflect on the power that I have, and the impact I can have on our students.